Sunday, August 21, 2011

Well, I Opened the Etsy Shop!

Wish me luck!

I'm excited to share with you my "Grand Opening"!  I loaded three sets into the shop and would love your feedback, suggestions, recommendations, and encouragement.  I don't expect that things will sell quickly, but it makes me feel good to know that I'm making an effort.

Please visit Sweet Home Designs at Etsy and let me know what you think!  I also have a coupon for the Grand Opening...Grand2011

Blessings and Warmth,



Jen said...

You did it! *Woot*Woot* Congratulations girl; that reminds me I have to take my shops off vacation mode (oops ;o)
Hooray for you, and I'm off to visit your shop!

Brenda said...

Good luck with your Etsy shop! Your items are very cute. I added you to my circle on Etsy. I'm also a new follower of your blog from Entrecard.

Duni said...

Congrats! Welcome to Etsy :)
I joined last year and it's a great community!
Off to check your shop now!

Kathy said...

Best of luck with the new Etsy shop! BTW- Would you like an invite to If so send me a message @WomanMomFriend

Mhar's Display said...

congratulations and good luck to you!
