Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Created a Page on FaceBook for my Blog!

Hello everyone!  Thank you for stopping's always nice to have you visit.  Well, I decided to create a FaceBook page about my blog.  I thought it would be a fun way of sharing cards and projects, tutorials and such with other interested individuals.

But I could use a little help.  It's brand new and I'm the only one that has liked it so far LOL!  I don't have the courage to share it with everybody on FB, so I thought I would share it here first! 

Here's how you can help.  If you have an FB account, would you consider "Liking" the page.  Only if you really like it though.  :) 

The widget is on the left hand side of the blog, just below my Creative Scrappers blinkie.  It looks like this one.

Thank you so much for stopping by!  Blessings to you always!


Betty said...

I can not find a link to you FB page! I clicked on the Like on the left and it just added me to your list but did not get me to your page. What am I doing wrong? Send me a an actual link!

Love your blog and am following that too!

Jen said...

You need to add a "Like" button on your blog (I just figured out how the other day - I'm a little slow with the technology *laugh*).
I'll see if I can find you on FB - it's easy to get lost out there in cyberspace ;o)