Monday, April 15, 2013

If You Could Have Help in One Area What Would That Be?

If you could have someone help you out; in any area of your business, home, home office, or networking, what and where would that be?  I was thinking about this this morning as I was doing research online and I began to wonder as the time sped by; who else might need someone to do research, data entry, typing, updating blogs, sending out email blasts, etc.

We are all very busy and many of us are working to try and reach or build a dream.  We find ourselves running short on time; we certainly have the heart and desire, but just don't seem to have the time.

If you could hire someone to help you with the tasks at hand.  How much would you be willing to pay?  How do you know you can trust the person to actually fulfill the task?

Let me know what you think and what your problem areas are.  I'd love to hear how you've solved your problems and what venues you used to do that! 

Talk to me...I want to hear from you :D


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