Friday, July 28, 2017

It's Time to Dust Off...

...the key board and get back into blogging.  So much has happened since I've last posted to this blog.  My emotions are all over the board, happy, excited, sad, scared, know what I mean ;)

Most importantly, I have opened my Etsy Shop "Sweet Home Designs" again.  We were in the process of moving and I've been unable to get the shop up and running until now.  My husband has retired and we are on a very fixed income.  Here's hoping that I'm able to add a little to the budget through the shop.

Here are a couple of items I recently listed:

I'm still working on my cards and other similar items...I've also added a wreath to the mix. :D

I hope you'll stop by and visit the shop.  I'll be adding more items daily.  Maybe, you'll find something you can't live without!! :D

Hope to see you soon!  Blessings from Sweet Home Designs!

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