Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wow, I must be busy or something....

I haven't posted anything for a while and I apologize!  It's been crazy busy and my work has taken me away from home for longer periods of time.  Thank you for your patience and understanding during this Christmas season.

I've been trying to do too many things at once and sometimes it builds.  On top of that, my 19 1/2 year old kitty is dying.  She's such a sweet old gal and I love her.  I'll miss her when she's gone.

Here she is just a year or so ago.  She's looking a bit older here, but you can see in her prime she was a beautiful old kitty.

Thank you for hanging in there with me! 

Merry Christmas everyone!  Blessings and love,


Minna Hatara said...

Season's Greetings
and Best Wishes
for all the days
of the coming year!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah dear Colleen feeling for in it all over hard, so very sad! the blessings of the Lord as remember His birth, love Shaz in oz.x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah thanks for popping over - you know I was over here about an hour ago wondering if there was any news and was wondering how things were going and praying for you Colleen.
Mm, yes, 19 years is a very long time indeed and I pray for you in the sad after time too.. and I want to say a big thanks for being a blessing to me through 2011.
All the blessings of the season as we celebrate the birth of the dear Lord Jesus and the greatest Gift of all, love Shaz in oz. x

kimmy said...

it's alright, Coleen. everybody gets busy during the Christmas season.. Belated Merry Christmas to you!