Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ever Wondered How to Make a Perfect Bow for Your Projects?

Boy, I have!!  Oh, mine turn out okay, but they definitely need some work.  Well, I hopped over to Wild Orchid Crafts scrolled down the page until I found this little badge that said "All the Things I Love".  I clicked on the badge and it took me to this darling blog, hosted by this very talented lady named, Bev Rochester!

Please stay a moment at Bev's blog and enjoy her cards and sketches!  What talent!!

Anyway, I noticed she had some tutorials and such.  I decided to take a look andand the one that popped out at me was the tutorial on Bow Tying!

As you can see, Bev has no trouble tying a bow!

Card by Bev Rochester

Many thanks for stopping by!  I would enjoy your comments and please visit the outstanding blogs and sites mentioned in the article today! 

Have a wonderful, blessed rest of the day!  Blessings!!



Iulia said...

Your card is gorgeous, Colleen! Great colors and layout and coloring! Well, everything looks perfect!
You're right, Bev has lots of good stuff on her blog besides magnificent cards. Your bow turned out impeccable as well.
Glad I've popped in to see your gorgeous cards!
Hugs, Iulia - new follower!

Shanno's Country Chic said...

Lulia! I only wish that I had made the card above...I brought this over from Bev's Collection to share with everyone (by permission). She does impeccable work and I hope to learn from her. All credit goes to Bev...Thank you for your follow and kindness! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I love making my own cards! That card looks so pretty!


Shanno's Country Chic said...

It's really fun, isn't it Tammy?! Bev does beautiful work! It's been fun visiting the different blogs and learning from the "Greats"!
Thanks for stopping by :)

Blessings, Colleen